4FMV is not just another agency.

Weʼre an experienced, close-knit team of talented professionals who love recruiting, but hate the industry. We know a better way.

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4FMV is not just another agency.

Weʼre an experienced, close-knit team of talented professionals who love recruiting, but hate the industry. We know a better way.

Tired of dealing with staffing agencies

We know you're tired of dealing with staffing agencies.

You need them, but you don’t trust them. “We’re different,” they say. “We’re honest, we’re open, everything we touch turns to gold and we treat everyone like family.”

And yet in practice it rarely seems to turn out that way.

We know, because working for a staffing agency isn’t much better.

You get the same empty promises, but you deal with them every day, from within and without. Sometimes you make them yourself.

Success is measured not in satisfaction, but in a few percent of profits you had to make everyone miserable to get.

Working for an agency is not better
We can do something about it

We know we can do something about it.

What could be better than finding the right person for your team, or landing a project you’re eager to get your hands on every day?

How about bringing these parties together in a way where everybody’s satisfied, and everybody wins?

We know recruiting is about people.

Our business is not about resumes, not about job descriptions and especially not about agency margins. It’s all about people—people looking for good people to work with, and good people to work for. We know the best way to bring all these good people together is to be good people ourselves.

We're proud to introduce you to our executive team:

david gammon – president & ceo
David Gammon
“Differentiating ourselves in this industry turned out to be simpler than we thought: do the work, tell the truth, and be accountable.”
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anne johnston – coo
Anne Johnston
“It always surprised me how poorly staffing agencies were set up to manage operations and administration. I knew we could do it better and that’s why I helped to found 4FMV.”
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We know successful recruiting requires a partnership.
Our industry sometimes feels like a closed market, controlled by staffing agencies with self-serving agendas.
We know companies don’t want staffing agencies—they need recruitment partners that they can count on to look out for their best interests.
Take a look at what some of our partners have to say about us:

“4FMV are easy to work with, they are there when I need them, they provide great services and I trust them.”

– Adam Fox, Client

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“I have been working with the 4FMV team over the last year and can say my experience with the team has been one of true professionalism, expertise and a great sense of urgency.”

– Kim De Matos, Client

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“I highly recommend 4FMV to professionals looking for work and to organizations looking for a staffing partner that you can trust. You are in good hands with 4FMV.”

– Russell D'Paiva, Client

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We know you need a partner you can trust.

4FMV's business model begins and ends with Fair Market Value:



We always keep our rates and processes open and transparent to all our partners.

You’ll know that we don’t over-bill our clients and we don’t underpay our contractors.


We research our industry and put in the hours to get to know what our partners want and need.

You’ll know the basis for and the thinking behind everything we help you to achieve.



We stay in constant contact with all our partners at every stage of the recruitment process.

You’ll know the status of every posting, every interview, every interaction and every decision.

Work with 4FMV, and you'll know what we know.

Whether you are hiring or looking for work, together, we will match the right talent with the right project, at a fair price, when you need it most.

Contact us today and let’s see how we can work together!
You'll know what we know